Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Movie - Blade: Trinity
A few nights ago I went out with some old friends to the theatre and caught this new flick. Hahaha. The only justification I really have for doing so was spending time with some pretty cool kids and the fact that the Blade series is one of my guilty pleasures. I watch the first Blade at least once every two months...I couldn't miss the final chapter, and I happened to have nothing else better to do that night.
The basic set up for the film is Blade (aka Wesley Snipes) getting set up by a group of Vampires to look like a psychotic serial murderer. These vampires (among them is Parker Posey (which is kind of cool) and Triple H (not cool in any way shape or form)) have awakened Dracula from hibernation with the aims to have him wipe out Blade and help them in their quest of domination over the human race. Blade teams up with a group of human vampire hunters (Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds (aka Van Wilder) and some others) to stop all this from happening and save humanity. The action was choppy but entertaining and the acting was mediocre at best; I was waiting for those badass, action movie hasta la vista, baby lines and they were never delivered. Wesley Snipes had about three lines and Ryan Reynolds just sucked it up all over the place. Sorry, boy...there is only one Jason Lee. I guess some of his lines were alright when he was punking on the vampires as they held him hostage...but nothing really worth repeating or remembering for that matter. Some of the weapons were cool and I thought the soundtrack was unusual but enjoyable. To be quite frank, it was alright as a movie, I've seen worse...but it was most definately the longest iPod commercial I have EVER seen. I suppose it's better than that U2 bs. Oh, well.
Final Synopsis: If you are a true blue fan, I suppose you should catch it while it's out in theatres...maybe wait for the showings at the local $1.50 theatre. Otherwise, save your money and your time and, oh...I don't know...read a book.