Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Times They Are A Changin'

. Posted by Hello

Well, I suppose they are for me...Why, you ask?
I have been able to wake up earlier and earlier and this is not normal. I've been up on an average of 10am these days---even when I DON'T HAVE TO BE! normally, even with an alarm and obligations, the EARLIEST I would be up is noon. Much later if I had no obligations. Of course, the fact that it is getting lighter and lighter earlier helps. What really started it was the chaotic chirping birds right outside my window each dawn, but they must be taking a break...I haven't heard them in few days. Perhaps they've gone on tour? So, in place of their frenetic melodies, I have chosen to start drinking coffee - another big change for me. I'm a tea person. I figure gettting used to it now will help me keep up this sleep schedule and allow for a more productive summer.
So, in light of the fact that I'm not a big fan of plain old coffee, and that I like to mess around, I did a little flavor experiment and it turned out quite delectably.
Try this:

Get some nice organic shade-grown French or Italian blend coffee (or whatever blend you particularly prefer) from one of your local food markets, some dryed rose hips, lavender, organic honey and brown sugar and some soy creamer. With the amount of coffee used for an 8 cup pot, add about a half a teaspoon of both the lavender and the rose hips to the grounds (don't grind them with the coffee, though). I put a little less than a teaspoon of both the honey and the brown sugar in the pot so it would be dissolved by the time the coffee was done percolating, it seems to work. Then add as much creamer as you like to your cup. It makes for a beverage with a nice smooth flavor that's not artificial tasting or overbearingly sweet with a subtle floral aroma. Nice and springy, indeed. It would probably be good iced as well.
I'm pleased with my creation, which is easy enough to put together, and if you decide to try it you should tell me what you think...
Otherwise, thanks for stopping by and take care!

If you care to, you may also check out One The Balcony, the online musings inspired by the existential crisis I call my life. It also has more photos. Mmm.

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